Queen of the Damned <ljh@netkonect.net>
at ren.netkonect.net using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
1. Aug 96 1:54
hmmmmm...interesting! It's August,yet I can only read up to June's Guestbook. Oh well. Anyway, I'm getting bored here at work with no people calling for technical support! So I thought I'd do a little looking around. I accidentally came across this site and thought COOL! Anyway, I'd be grateful of any email from "people" who have been vampires all their lives, like me. I will return to this site when I have my other email address. 'Til then my friends!

Queen of the Damned
at ren.netkonect.net using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
1. Aug 96 2:07
Hey it's me again. Just wanted to say that Heavy Metal fans can be goths! Ever heard of Black Metal? A quick reccommendation: Cradle of Filth.(Supreme Vampyric Evil) The only true British Black Metal band! http://www.subnet.co.uk/subinfo/cof/index.html. So there!

Queen of the Damned
at ren.netkonect.net using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
URL: Watch this space!
1. Aug 96 9:11
One last little message to say oops!I was wrong about July's comments! And that I have looked at everybody in the June and July comments' emails!

Queen of the Damned
at ren.netkonect.net using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
URL: Watch this space!
1. Aug 96 9:12
One last little message to say oops!I was wrong about July's comments! And that I have looked at everybody in the June and July comments' home pages.

Le Mystere
at using Mozilla/2.01Gold (Win95; I)
1. Aug 96 9:43
Vampyres are a mystery to all mankind . Humanity is uncapable of seeing them ... unless they lurk in their darkness and interve in their rituals . . . explore their worlds ; seek them want them ; feel them close by ....

at using Mozilla/2.01Gold (Win95; I)
1. Aug 96 9:50
Rise Armand . Heil Lestat ... search the world of darkness in which you're in You'll find my thoughts . . . you'll find questions... and you must answer ... and you must rise upon your unknown kingdom and you shall be known . . .

Tasha1.99 <giron99@adnc.com>
at adnline234133.adnc.com using Mozilla/2.01 (Win16; I)
URL: http://www.geocities.com?hollywood/8035
1. Aug 96 10:39
Greeting fellow Gothics...tis I Tasha...I wanted to leave a mark ...I wonder?...anyway..I love Anne Rice..her writings are wonderful...they dwell deep with in immortal life..it is supererb...I love you Anne!!! continue the good work.. I love your newsletter...when's the next one comming out?? well must depart...the sun's about to rise, and I trirst for blood...yummm *smile*...Tasha1.99

Miriam itzkowitz <Abraxis880@aol.com>
at GaryItzkowitz.rowan.edu using Mozilla/2.01 (Win16; I)
1. Aug 96 11:54
walk hand in hand with maddness, and dance on the threshhold of eternity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ masked in cloaks of virginal night, the angels descend from their radiance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Matthew Abate <abate@u.arizona.edu>
at mn-pub22.library.Arizona.EDU using Mozilla/2.0 (WinNT; I)
1. Aug 96 14:39
AWESOME page. I' making my own pretty soon and I definitely want to link up. I'm probably going to end up making a page for the club that I work in. It's called the fine Line. I've already sent in the details for it. Keep it up! You do this well.

Baron Wolfgang von Schreck
at pipe2.ny3.usa.pipeline.com using PipeWinWeb/3.1
1. Aug 96 19:37
WARNING: Do NOT mail-order CDs from Projekt Records! I am only one of shitloads of poor saps who made the mistake of doing so, and after many months and many letters and posts to alt.gothic trying to get my money back, they have simply refused to comply, despite letters and posts to the contrary. I wish someone had warned me, and so now I'm warning you: AVOID PROJEKT LIKE THE FUCKING PLAGUE! I'm sure this post will incur the wrath of Projekt employees and devotees, but those of you who dislike getting fucked over by greedy, money grubbing, fuck-you-very-much con artists like Sam Rosenthal will do well to heed my warning.

Kevin <kyancey@mail.coin.missouri.edu>
at aux-cs1-14.coin.missouri.edu using Mozilla/2.02 (Win16; I)
URL: Vampire-Hunters
2. Aug 96 0:39
Are there any Web pages for Vampire-Hunters?? If anybody knows, e-mail me please!! I would really like to know.

brandon lee
at io1p25.ark.com using Mozilla/2.01Gold (Win95; I)
2. Aug 96 14:37
cool place thanks for devoting it to my movie

Abby Yunis <FQWZ51A@prodigy.com>
at piweba5y-ext.prodigy.com using PRODIGY-WB/2.1b
3. Aug 96 12:21

I liked your page a lot, and it certainly does have a lot info.

JCool <jcool@freemark.com>
at stk-ca2-03.ix.netcom.com using Mozilla/2.02Gold (Win95; I)
URL: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/5612
3. Aug 96 22:16
I love the Java script you have on the dimensionx.com web page. It is a great idea for advertising. If you wouldn't mind could you send me the ImageBanner.class or the ImageBanner.java file? Just like yourself I am also trying to soak up Java. I recently purchased a book called "Hooked On Java" It is very informative. Goto to www.javasoft.com/hooked to see what I am talking about. Oh yea could you send the file to jbullock@ix.netcom.com because my freemark address doesn't accept attachments or files:( Love your work!!!

at Cust41.Max13.Washington.DC.MS.UU.NET using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0B; Windows 95;640,480
4. Aug 96 21:15
i love the goth web site, it gives all of us a place to be one whom ever we may be, thank-you for the chance to feel not so weird (not that weird is bad i love to be weird)

Pamela deForest <p.deforest@worldnet.att.net>
at 167.los-angeles-1.ca.dial-access.att.net using Mozilla/1.22ATT (Windows; U; 16bit)
5. Aug 96 0:49
Haven't seen anything yet BUT if the word GOTHIC is in it it's got to be good anyway!

Pale Enchantress (Queen of the Damned previously) <ljh@netkonect.net>
at ren.netkonect.net using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
URL: http://www.geocities.com/sunset/Alley/1324
5. Aug 96 8:55
Just taking the oppurtunity to say I HAVE A HOME PAGE!!!

Nightfall Eclipea Blackhart D'Mer <jehad@juno.com>
at nac-new1-s12-115k.nac.net using Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; MSIE 2.0c; Windows 95)
5. Aug 96 11:59
When shadows fall and sunlight breaks, What Nightfall touches, Nightfall takes. Lives and silver, maids in bows- DARKNESS COMES WHERE NIGHTFALL GOES!

Wend'e (wendytime) <(none) for now...sorry!!!>
at using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
5. Aug 96 11:59
I have always been a gothic girl and I love it Even though I have alot of problems making friends ...It's nice to see there's others..The children of the night..or better yet the creatures of the night..I'm about 5'4, very small, all in black, black hair and very black eyes.. some say I'm depressing,evil,too deep, you name it I've been called it..See-ya on the net..Bela Lugosi's Dead...UNDEAD..UNDEAD..UNDEAD..THE CURE..GOTH FOREVER

Victoria Kalkirtz <kalk0007@gold.tc.umn.edu>
at dialup-13-c-166.gw.umn.edu using Mozilla/2.0JavaB1 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
5. Aug 96 21:57
very interesting indeed

Lady Coran <95706085@uws.hawkesbury.edu.au>
at wizard.geko.net.au using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit) via Squid Cache version 1.1.alpha7
URL: http://www.tiac.net/users/mouse/images/brujah-fire.gif
6. Aug 96 6:59

osiris <dkowal@omnifest.uwm.edu>
at supermod.execpc.com using Mozilla/2.01 (Win95; I)
6. Aug 96 15:19
ahhh...i love this server...nice dreary wall paper and all! by reading the comments along time ago, i met one of my most beloved net friends. i've told the others of my coven of this page [i was impressed with the list of links]. my coven still believes that goth in its purest form is art and we strive to practice a pure form...ranting [i do it often unfortunatlely. if you have been there already, go read Autumn cemetary text {prelude to the Gothic bible} at http://www.empire.net/~traveler/september/sept.html "i'm so glad i'm crazy doing crazy things" sp

Darkstar <darkstar13@juno.com /or/ irish@mail.kdcol.com>
at s11.cs00.Io.kdcol.net using Mozilla/2.01 (Win16; I)
7. Aug 96 13:35
Any one who wishes to speak of the dark side of life, email me.

Megan Brown <mebrown@randomhouse.com>
at interlock.randomhouse.com using Mozilla/1.1N (Macintosh; I; PPC)
URL: www.randomhouse.com
8. Aug 96 7:58
I promise this site is quite related to yours. No flower sales here! Thanks in advance for your consideration.

News from the CobWebs ... New Anne Rice Web Site at http://www.randomhouse.com/annerice

Attention Anne Rice fans: Do you know what Anne likes to munch on while she writes? Is it Twizzlers? Unsalted cashews? Brie and macadamia nuts? Test your knowledge of Anne Rice trivia at this new site from Knopf Publishing featuring her latest novel -- SERVANT OF THE BONES -- the start of a new saga. Read an excerpt from the book and meet its dark and luminous hero, Azriel, Servant of the Bones. Commune with other Rice devotees in The Coven -- a forum about everything and anything Anne. Learn more about the author and her Interstate Bus Tour. There's also a comprehensive bibliography and links to other Anne Rice sites.

Köhli <noddy666@aol.com>
at using Mozilla/2.0 (Win95; I)
URL: http://members.aol.com/noddy666/snakepit.html
8. Aug 96 14:20
Well done.The Siouxsie page is GREAT !

Rick "Crow" Bown <billiek@exccepc.com>
at philosophers.execpc.com using Mozilla/2.01 (Win95; U)
8. Aug 96 23:32
The place is just cool, man! Don't change a thing.

Tomas Lubkowitz <Tci@algonet.se>
at kairos.algonet.se using Mozilla/3.0b5a (Win95; I)
URL: www.algonet.se/~tci
9. Aug 96 11:18
Check out ma Url.. I'll make u'r graphics (if i have the time and think it's interesting)

Raeven <oedipus@athenet.net>
at pm-at-4-0.athenet.net using Mozilla/2.02Gold (Win95; I)
URL: http://members.tripod.com/~raevencrow/index.html
9. Aug 96 13:05
"A dying child sits at the gates of a hallowed sanctuary, with nothing but his scarlet tears to soothe his wounds, knowing beyond all madness that the angels are demons and are beautiful regardless." -Raeven; Liked you're site, mine's still in the works, check it out sometime.

at cnc022060.concentric.net using Mozilla/2.01KIT (Win95; U)
9. Aug 96 20:59
finally something i can relate to!

David Morris <Morris20@earthlink.net>
at pool027.Max1.Indianapolis.IN.DYNIP.ALTER.NET using Mozilla/2.0 (Win95; U)
URL: http://home.earthlink.net/~morris20/index.html
9. Aug 96 23:01
I am very impressed with your page. Although I am relatively new to this medium, I do have my own page. It still needs some work but I think it is a good start. I would greatly appreciate your opinions on it, considering you are a experienced web page designer. Thank you for your time.

Conan <none>
at dialin16.eagle.ca using Mozilla/2.01 (Win95; I)
URL: What's a URL?
10. Aug 96 10:47
Yeah gothic- duh?

Brendan Kussman <kussman@loop.com>
at pma3_159.loop.com using Mozilla/2.02 (Win16; I)
URL: what is that??
10. Aug 96 18:32
I can't really figure out how to actually get into Cybertown. I am only twelve, but i think that it would be easier to go right to the basics by having a button that just says, "Click here to walk around in Cybertown." Oh well...just a thought.

Elizabeth Bathory <PGROSSM@IBM.NET>
at slip129-37-158-136.on.ca.ibm.net using Mozilla/2.02 (Win95; I; 16bit)
10. Aug 96 18:53
Cool page man!

Elizabeth Bathory <PGROSSM@IBM.NET>
at slip129-37-158-136.on.ca.ibm.net using Mozilla/2.02 (Win95; I; 16bit)
10. Aug 96 18:53
Cool page man!

Erik W. Hendrix <ddoherty@ucsd.edu>
at rovion.extern.ucsd.edu using Mozilla/2.0 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
10. Aug 96 22:12
Definitely a cool page, your links helped me to find many a pics for my computers vast library.

	Morning and evening
	Maid heard the goblins cry:
	"come buy our orchard fruits,
	come buy, come buy:
	apples and quinces,
	lemons and oranges,
	plump unpecked cherries,
	melons and rasberries,
	bloom-down-cheeked peaches,
	swart-headed mulberries,
	wild free-born cranberries,
	crab-apples, dewberries,
	pine-apples, blackberries,
	apricots, strawberries;-
	all ripe together
	in summer weather,-
	morns that pass by,
	fair eves that fly;
	come buy, come buy:
	our grapes fresh from the vine,
	Pomegranates full and fine...."
					--Christina Rossetti, Goblin Market

yves <100610.1373@compuserve.com>
at hd44-186.compuserve.com using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
URL: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/4999
11. Aug 96 1:27
very impressive job on Joy Division. thanx very much.

who are you?

evelyn baxter s
at dd13-114.compuserve.com using SPRY_Mosaic/v7.36 (Windows 16-bit) SPRY_package/v4.00
11. Aug 96 21:54

rogue1 <rogue13@ix.netcom.com>
at scz-ca7-01.ix.netcom.com using Mozilla/2.01 (Win95; U)
12. Aug 96 2:24
Lovelorn gothic darkness...

Countess Rebecca Gonzalez <sadistikal@usa.pipeline.com>
at pipe17.h1.usa.pipeline.com using PipeWinWeb/3.1
12. Aug 96 16:23
......wonderful page.

Ave Satanas......

dita <dita@ix.netcom.com>
at dfw-tx24-06.ix.netcom.com using Mozilla/1.1 (Macintosh; U; 68K)
12. Aug 96 17:42

Greetings, Love your page. Keep it up. If you have any info. on clans in the Dallas area- please e-mail me at dita@ix.netcom.com

at DIGITALGROUP.COM using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 32bit [AXP])
12. Aug 96 20:33
I was pleased to find this delicious little link. Please keep up the dark work.

Brian Robertson <105153.2242@compuserve.com>
at ad25-186.compuserve.com using SPRY_Mosaic/v8.32 (Windows 16-bit) SPRY_package/v4.00
13. Aug 96 1:37
Might recognize my name from ARice's Commotion Strange #s 4 and 5 -- tonight I'm being totally crass and disgusting and leaving my email address all over the place -- desperately and annoyingly I'm sure asking for people to email me. So do it if you want.

Angelee <Angelee@ix.netcom.com>
at slc-ut3-19.ix.netcom.com using NetCruiser/V2.00
15. Aug 96 4:17

That says it all.

Alexandre Gomes Camarú <camaru@sp.looknet.com.br>
at using Mozilla/2.01 (Win16; I)
17. Aug 96 9:13
Today, my home is not a "Happy House". I've got a terrible news. "I've heard a rumor" that the greatest band I've ever seen was being "Tearing Apart" from my heart "Forever". I couldn't believe my ears, until I read "20 minutes in 20 years" in the net. Thank you, Siouxsie & the Banshees, for making my life a continuous state of "Rapture". "Kiss them for me". And, Siouxsie, I expect to see you "by the time the leaves fall", as you promised.

From Siouxsie's toughest fan in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Alexandre Camaru

Sidney Collier Jr. <vai@naxs.com>
at using Mozilla/2.0 (Win16; U)
URL: http://www.angelfire.com/pg1/VAI/index.html
17. Aug 96 11:11
This place rulz..............

Robert Cress <Robertc@access.mountain.net>
at Access.Mountain.Net using Lynx/2.3.7 BETA libwww/unknown
17. Aug 96 15:39
Very interesting.

Allanyan Serata <jacalys@primenet.com>
at ip152.phx.primenet.com using Mozilla/2.02 (Win95; I)
17. Aug 96 19:55
I have seen, and have been enlightened...appreciation for the time and information given....carry on !

Purple Peach <ctoppins@iwaynet.net>
at using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0B; Win32)
URL: The Lucifer Complex
17. Aug 96 22:55
Life is a pain, anyone who tells you different is selling something. = (......

comacat <comacat@ts.umu.se>
at proxy.umu.se using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit) via Harvest Cache version 1.4pl2
URL: http://www.ts.umu.se/~comacat
18. Aug 96 11:14
Well. I find sometimes that this world makes things much more interesting by being unperfect. I feel sceptisism towards Utopia... ...What else is there to say?...

at caraway.hensa.ac.uk using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
20. Aug 96 2:07
Congratulations for this wonderfull site. Especially for the pictures "two2" and "ghost". They are really dark.

Anyone who thinks that DARK WAVE is great and not the INDUSTRIAL I would like to E-MAIL me.

Soror Ishtaria <ishtaria@cyberatl.net>
at user-168-121-192-125.dialup.mindspring.com using Mozilla/3.0b6Gold (Win95; I)
URL: http://www.tiac.net/users/qblh/index.html
20. Aug 96 4:44
This is a really web site! You art truly an artist of the net!

Thanks very much for providing it for all.

Best Wishes,

Soror Ishtaria, Hermetic Alchemical Order of the QBLH

at colada10.telecom.at using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; PPC) via Harvest Cache version 1.4pl2
20. Aug 96 8:58
I´ve just read "Interview with a vampire". Few weeks ago I saw the film. Since then, I´m a real Ane-Rice-Maniac. I even started to play the "Vampire-The Masquerade"-roleplaying game. I´d like to say more, but the sun is rising...

bekka s. <aretakis @ rust.net>
at mc-29.rust.net using Mozilla/2.0 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
20. Aug 96 14:27
It,s wonderful to have family!!!!!!

Tasmin <http://angelfire.com/pages0/Tasmin/index.html>
at ts1214.SLIP.ColoState.EDU using Mozilla/2.0 (Win95; I; 16bit)
21. Aug 96 6:36
Neat....I'm looking for pic to put on my page.

Michael <Mhemlock@aol.com>
at user-168-121-30-231.dialup.mindspring.com using Mozilla/2.01 (Win95; I; 16bit)
URL: http://www.apogee.net/deadair.htm
21. Aug 96 13:18
Gothic/darkwave radio from Atlanta. Darkening the airwaves...

Kim Rother
at w242-11.warwick.net using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0B; Windows 95;640,480
21. Aug 96 14:30
This isn't my computer so I won't give an e-mail address, however, if it all possible to get Gothic info through postal mail, my address is 46 waterbury rd. Warwick, N.Y. 10990 I don't have my own computer, so its virtually impossible to know the latest Goth events and that saddens me, I'd appreciate it if you'd help me out. I also go by the name of Dark Angel. This is a very helpful service to those trying to find out more about the things they adore and I an other dark-childes thank you.

Mistress Latex <Roissy@linkonline.net>
at dyad0153.linkonline.net using Mozilla/2.02E-KIT (Win95; U)
URL: http://users.aol.com/MsLatex/index.htm
21. Aug 96 19:58
All I can say is WOW!! What a great site. In particular I love the artwork you've done...beautiful stuff...and I noticd some of those ladies were wearing my favourite fabric....LATEX. Now all you goth boys & girls who are kinky too please come visit me ;)

at ppp55.hol.gr using Mozilla/1.2N (Windows; I; 16bit)
22. Aug 96 10:24

Mary E. Mathies <marye.mathies@utoronto.ca>
at evapourate.dialin.utoronto.ca using Mozilla/1.1NOV (Windows; I; 16bit)
22. Aug 96 21:14
Nice Page! I really enjoyed it. Plan to visit often. I am always looking for new info regarding vampires and related gothic topics. I am a short story writer always researching. So please send anything useful.

James C Jones II <bovi_stock@msn.com>
at Cust24.Max30.Los-Angeles.CA.MS.UU.NET using Mozilla/2.01 (Win95; U)
22. Aug 96 22:10
Hobbies include: Just about everything!

Memnoch <wilson@spock.nlu.edu>
at spock.nlu.edu using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; U; 32bit)
22. Aug 96 22:18
havent looked yet;)

Beladona <jgbroxto@edisto.cofc.edu>
at using Mozilla/2.02 (Win95; I)
23. Aug 96 13:09
An abandoned goth in Charleston, South Carolina who spends most of his time wandering through unbelievable graveyards with no goths to play. Come visit.

Vinh Phu <phu@scf.usc.edu>
at las-dev1.usc.edu using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
23. Aug 96 14:06
Loved what you did with the "Siouxsie and the Banshees" Web Page. Nice improvements!!

Vinh (08/23/96)

Sita <riggins@www.3rddoor.com>
at using Mozilla/2.01 (Win16; U)
23. Aug 96 14:52
I love gothic, it is a aprt of the soul!

Tom Hunter <Thomashunter@btinternet.com>
at host-73-36-28.btinternet.com using Mozilla/2.10.35aS Win16 FTP Software/Spyglass/35aS
23. Aug 96 17:18
Excellent!!!! I have enjoyed my time in your world !!!!!!!! I will return to see the Future!!!!

Samantha <HTLC72A@prodigy.com>
at piweba2y-ext.prodigy.com using PRODIGY-WB/3.0e
23. Aug 96 20:04
I love this place. I live here now. . . . My hand pressed firmly in his. His voice echoing softly within my ear . . ., "Take it. Take it." The Black Flame consumes my being, surrounding me, swirling about me, eminating heats intensity from deep within me, mingling, and becomes my very soul. Lilith 1.

Meighan <meighan@axionet.com>
at mb149.axionet.com using Mozilla/1.22KIT (Windows; U; 16bit)
URL: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Alley/2405/index.html
24. Aug 96 10:52
great page

jasmine (toreador) <willard3@albany.net>
at pm1ip3-albny.albany.net using SPRY_Mosaic/v7.36 (Windows 16-bit) SPRY_package/v4.00
24. Aug 96 15:26
caught between the ages a fortress deep within now i'm off for distant space in hope to find myself again. i just thought you might appreciate that.

Vuh.7 <process7@denver.net>
at slip12.denver.net using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
URL: http://www.denver.net/~process7
24. Aug 96 16:38
You might some of the metalwork displayed at the above URL. Take care. No mention of Hen-Manilla in your site. Why?

nat <hthsna @ vianet.net.au>
at jimi.vianet.net.au using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit) via Squid Cache version 1.0.beta17
24. Aug 96 23:26

czar <czar@beachin.net>
at ip14.beachin.net using Mozilla/3.0b6Gold (Win16; I)
24. Aug 96 23:49
this page is what i have dreamed for

Carmen SanDiego
at warp.cc.monash.edu.au using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; PPC) via Squid Cache version 1.0.2
25. Aug 96 0:38
Spiffy page, some of the comments are a bit of a concern though...

Marie St. Cloud <kchris@azstarnet.com>
at usr2ip17.azstarnet.com using Mozilla/3.0b5 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
25. Aug 96 1:21
Your backgrounds are amazing!! i just want to congratulate you on the fact that on Netscape, your site is one of the few that can be reached. Keep up the good work!!

Bio-Death <tw32318@navix.net>
at xyp67p8.ltec.net using Mozilla/2.02E-KIT (Win16; U)
URL: http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/alley/3209
25. Aug 96 5:28
This is such a great page that I added a link to yas form my page(well new and under construction page). All i can say is keep up the great work

Ravenwolf <Ravnwolf@nconnect.net>
at dial193.nconnect.net using Mozilla/2.01 (Win95; I)
26. Aug 96 6:36
Interesting things here, I'll have to check it out more thuroughly at a later date.

Zoe <CLOVCOBAIN@aol.com>
at www-c3.proxy.aol.com using aolbrowser/1.1 InterCon-Web-Library/1.2 (Macintosh; 68K) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
26. Aug 96 19:25
i think i'll make this short and sweet...well mabey not sweet but short.

My Valentine has hallow eyes. -James O'Barr

Stella <here>
at t4o4p11.telia.com using Mozilla/2.0 (Win95; I; 16bit)
27. Aug 96 7:06
Mmmm...eat me beat me...

Craig Dallendorfer <craig_dallendorfer@merck.com>
at igw2.merck.com URL: http://intranet.com/
27. Aug 96 9:27
I saw your input at Java Sun site, in reference to determining the browser type, and what it therefore it could handle.

Any chance of getting a look at your code. Is it a Script, or applete? I've fudged together a Script, which works, but does not fit the exact need.

Thanks, Criag

Craig Dallendorfer <craig_dallendorfer@merck.com>
at igw2.merck.com URL: http://intranet.com/
27. Aug 96 9:27
I saw your input at Java Sun site, in reference to determining the browser type, and what it therefore it could handle.

Any chance of getting a look at your code. Is it a Script, or applete? I've fudged together a Script, which works, but does not fit the exact need.

Thanks, Criag

Katie Bragg <bragg@mail.ccse.net:>
at as01a-06.ccse.net using Mozilla/2.01KIT (Win95; U)
27. Aug 96 16:01
So far what Ive seen is cool and I will come back to see more.

at using Mozilla/2.02E-SYMPA (Win16; I)
27. Aug 96 19:23

Broothaerts Eddy <Broothaerts_Eddy@Delaware-computing.com>
at using Mozilla/2.02 (Win16; I) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
27. Aug 96 23:18
Looks nice; keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated.

Annie L <none>
at charlie.cc.swin.edu.au using Mozilla/2.0 (Win16; I) via Squid Cache version 1.0.10
URL: none
28. Aug 96 2:48
Getting a tad vampired-out by now, but hey! it's all really interesting.

Fangs a lot!

Emily <Emilym@hotmail.com>
at dyn000280.gblt.digex.net using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
28. Aug 96 8:01
cool page!and links...

brandon b <brandon_b@juno.com>
at using Mozilla/2.01 (Win16; I)
28. Aug 96 11:26
This is way kewl

brandon b <brandon_b@juno.com>
at using Mozilla/2.01 (Win16; I)
28. Aug 96 11:26
This is way kewl

Licia <sarmar@telis.org>
at s19-pm04.ucr.campus.mci.net using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
28. Aug 96 20:42
i was just looking around for information on Siouxsie, and i found this page. i welcome mail from any fellow goths.

deadbat <deadbat@batbones.com>
at max4-wc-ca-07.earthlink.net using Mozilla/3.0 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
URL: http://www.batbones.com/belfry
28. Aug 96 22:52
Congrats on setting up your own domain name - I know what a pain that can be. Excellent site (of course, betcha never heard that one before)! Be back soon.

John Erik Garr <jegarr@wwa.com>
at internet.diamtech.com using Mozilla/3.0b7 (Win95; I)
URL: http://www.politech.com/resume
29. Aug 96 7:27

Heard you speak at the last netscape conference. Are you going to the one in New York?

Anubis <jmlenius@students.wisc.edu>
at using Mozilla/2.01 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
URL: http://www.msr.org/josh.html
29. Aug 96 9:32
You've got a great page here, but I'm sure you hear that a lot, non? Anyhow, keep up the excellent work...

Kama, goddess of fire & water
at dialup-22-b-151.gw.umn.edu using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
29. Aug 96 19:28
Light thickens and the crow makes wing to the rooky wood / good things of day do droop and drowse / as the night's black agents to their preys do rouse. --Macbeth (by Shakespear, of course)

Vlad <nosferatu@hotmail.com>
at PELLEW.NTU.EDU.AU using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
30. Aug 96 1:54
cool sight. Keep up the good work!

Jennifer Lewis <hornsby@iquest.net>
at ind-006-236-254.iquest.net using Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; MSIE 2.0; Windows 95)
30. Aug 96 18:56
great stuff....

:) really

D'rat <agrooms@netwalk.com>
at ts1-10.netwalk.com using Mozilla/2.02 (Win16; I)
URL: http://www.netwalk.com/~agrooms
30. Aug 96 19:31
Thanks for the XD pic... I'll give you credit on the flyer.

at using Mozilla/2.02Gold (WinNT; I)
31. Aug 96 14:05
Cool homepage... I love to see goths on the www

jerry white <suzy21@surfnet.com>
at client13.surfnetinc.com using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
31. Aug 96 23:39
this world gives up so much without dread with a breathless kiss alone, we leave our emotions unsaid...
