S&B FAQsimile #8: Out of Bounds

F.Baube[tm] (flb@flb.optiplan.fi)
Tue, 2 Nov 93 5:17:19 EET

Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1993 09:05 MDT
From: Christopher Hanks <ari!HANKS@deans.med.utah.edu>
Subject: RE: Out of Bounds
To: SIOUXSIE+@andrew.cmu.edu

Didn't Siouxsie and the Banshees also appear briefly in the movie
OUT OF BOUNDS. I thought they were playing in a club or something.
I think they played _Cities in Dust_ and that song also appears on
the soundtrack (which, BTW, is the only place to find the 'good'
version of _Electric Ocean_ by the Cult).


* Fred Baube   ..when you think your Toys  you hear Laughter
* GU/MSFS/88        * have gone Berserk    cracking through the Walls
* baube@optiplan.fi * it's an illUsion     you're sent Spinning
* #include          * you Cannot Shirk     you Have No Choice
*   <disclaimer.h>  *                 -- Sioux proverb